Beaten by wild boars in Corsica

Corsican hunting

Hunting period : from October 1st to February 1st.

Duration of stay: at the request of the hunting group

Huntable species:

game boar hunt boar   d marsh huntingsnipe   d  peckingwoodcock
  d               d
rough shooting  pheasant waterfowl hunting duck partridge hunt thrush
partridge hunt   red-legged partridge teal huntingteal pigeon hunting pigeon

Hunting zone

The hunting territory between land and sea and THE most beautiful place in South Corsica. It is about 2500 hectares of maquis, on the edge of the Mediterranean sea. At the heart of this hunting territory flows a river, creating a marsh attracting snipe, teal, lapwing and other migratory surprises for months on end. Wild boar hunting in Corsica takes place in the mountains, along the river or along the sea. Each wild boar hunting station offers you a breathtaking view of the sea and/or the stalking that takes place before your eyes. To discover with Constant Boulard International Adventures.

  • Direct flight Paris-Figari in 1h30, then 20 min by car to reach paradise.
  • Weapons and ammunition on site are at your disposal, but your weapons are welcome on the island.

The hunting lodge

This is the most beautiful hunting lodge you will see in Europe and surely around the world. A prestigious hotel estate opens its doors and its exceptional territory to you for a stay that combines holidays and hunting to perfection. You privatize your own sheepfold, overlooking the golf course, facing the Mediterranean Sea, a show guaranteed. We won't say any more, so much this place deserves to be discovered by you.

The hunting method
  • Wild boar drives are organized with a mix of hounds and Corsican dogs, which make the hunt particularly exciting. Posted on a rocky promontory, you will have the opportunity to shoot at 360°. The wild boars know the scrubland by heart and will surely give you the opportunity to miss your target.
  • Wild boar hunting in Corsica can also be practised on the approach.

The price
On personalized estimate.
For more information and to build a hunting trip in Corsica corresponding to your holidays, contact us : Constant Boulard / / +33 (0)6 88 28 40 06

The most

Discover also small game hunting in Corsica. On foot with your pointing dogs, or in the passes on the migratory path of pigeons and thrushes, or in high-flying drives, small game hunting is ideal to combine hunting big and small game during your stay.

For further information please contact Constant Boulard Adventures.
Constant Boulard / / + 33 (0)6 88 28 40 06

In Corsica, hunt boar like you've never hunted before.

wild boar beaten wild boar beaten
hunting lodge hunting lodge
cursinu corsican dog cursinu corsican dog
defeated by wild boar in the mountains defeated by wild boar in the mountains
hunting camp hunting camp
wild boar hunting wild boar hunting
wild boar fever wild boar fever

Wild boar hunt in Corsica, a hunting show to discover.